A Movie Night in Honor of Victor Laruccia
Please join us for a Movie Night in Honor of Victor Laruccia, on Friday, May 15 at 13 p.m. at the Museum of Photographic Arts at Balboa Park. Since the beginning, 16 years ago, MOPA has been the home of the San Diego Italian Film Festival. To honor and commemorate the extraordinary founder of our organization, Victor Laruccia, we will watch one of his favorite Italian movies, Mine vaganti (Loose Cannons). The movie is set in Puglia, where Victor's family is from and is a heartwarming comedy about family, business, and identity.
While this event is free to attend, it is also a fundraiser for the San Diego Italian Film Festival (SDIFF). Victor’s family as well as the SDIFF board and staff are committed to ensuring the festival’s continued success and sustainability. As part of this effort, Victor’s long-time friends Bob and Carrie Meadow have pledged a dollar-for-dollar match in his memory of up to $10,000. That means the festival could get an infusion of up to $20,000 so it can continue to provide the programming so many in the community have come to expect and enjoy. A big thank you to both Carrie and Bob for this extremely generous offer and we hope you will consider contributing what you can so we can continue Victor’s legacy.